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Wild Cooked British Lobster

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  • Each pack has one whole, cooked native lobster
  • Perfect for the centerpiece of a seafood feast
  • A 500g lobster could make two small meals

These are native lobster from Scotland or Cornwall, depending on supplies. They are very popular and it's not hard to see...

  • Each pack has one whole, cooked native lobster
  • Perfect for the centerpiece of a seafood feast
  • A 500g lobster could make two small meals

These are native lobster from Scotland or Cornwall, depending on supplies. They are very popular and it's not hard to see why! They've been steamed rather than boiled as steaming helps keep the meat moister and retain that gorgeous just cooked texture. Whilst we recommend eating it cold, if you did want to reheat it, our advise is to do so very gently. It is super easy to overcook the lobster and make it chewy, so perhaps reheat by steaming it over a pan of boiling water. Otherwise if you are planning to use it in something like a thermidor where you are going to have to put the meat into or under a sauce and then grill the sauce, then don't reheat the meat before you put the sauce on it. Once you grill the sauce, the meat will have reheated. 

We also sell Raw Native Lobsters.

How you've been using our cooked native lobster...

  • "Ordered for wifes birthday. First time I've cooked it (L Thermidor) and wasn't disappointed."
  • "Absolutely delicious when split, dressed and grilled with garlic butter. Really good size too."
  • "They were easy to open and taste was superb. We ate them simply with a selection of salads and new potatoes."
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Wild Cooked British Lobster -
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  • Wild
  • Cooked
  • UK

We’re the UK’s No.1 specialist online fishmonger. We professionally freeze fish when it’s at it’s freshest to pause the clock on quality.