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Wild Cooked Scottish Winkles

  • Each pack contains 500g of cooked, in the shell winkles
  • These winkles are hand picked by foragers
  • One pack would serve 3 main meals

Winkles are a simple and stylish dish and surprisingly popular. (By the way, the proper name is periwinkle.) These winkles have...

  • Each pack contains 500g of cooked, in the shell winkles
  • These winkles are hand picked by foragers
  • One pack would serve 3 main meals

Winkles are a simple and stylish dish and surprisingly popular. (By the way, the proper name is periwinkle.) These winkles have been cooked before freezing, but you can reheat them briefly. Apply your winklepicker (commonly known as a toothpick) and, with a little twirl, extract the contents. You might like to dip your winkle into hot butter, mustard or mayonnaise. Accompany with buttered bread. Alternatively, shell winkles in the kitchen and toss into a stir-fry or give them a garnishing role in many kinds of fish dishes.


How you've been using our winkles...

  • "I absolutely love that I can get fresh winkles through the post! Fast delivery perfect everytime"
  • "A M A Z I N G - so plump & tasty. I just have to keep a supply of at least 3 bags in my freezer - a very tasty reminder of the east end & my youth"
  • "They were a gift for my Dad - he loved them"
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Wild Cooked Scottish Winkles -
Fresher Than Fresh Money Back Guarantee
  • Wild
  • Cooked
  • Scotland
  • Foraged

We’re the UK’s No.1 specialist online fishmonger. We professionally freeze fish when it’s at it’s freshest to pause the clock on quality.