“Fantastic Online Retailer To Buy Frozen Seafood From” 

Wild British Turbot Fillet Portions

  • Each pack contains two skin on turbot fillet portions, vacuum packed
  • Works well with being oven baked or pan fried
  • A 300g pack would make two good sized main meals

A large wild turbot might yield as many as 15 boneless servings from a single...

  • Each pack contains two skin on turbot fillet portions, vacuum packed
  • Works well with being oven baked or pan fried
  • A 300g pack would make two good sized main meals

A large wild turbot might yield as many as 15 boneless servings from a single fish. We grade these into ’steaks’ and ’portions’ according to shape and thickness. Frankly, only if you looked at them side by side would you realise that these portions are not quite as desirable as the fillet steaks. These portions are from the same fish, the same flesh, even the same fillet, but they lack the thickness required for our fillet steak grade. Which is why you save 20%.


How you've been using our turbot fillet portions...

  • "Truly delicious! Lightly pan fried in butter, shallots and brown shrimp for a couple minutes per side. Mmmm!"
  • "A quality treat. Excellently filleted. A soft, creamy texture and wholesome flavour"
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Wild British Turbot Fillet Portions -
Fresher Than Fresh Money Back Guarantee
  • Wild
  • Raw
  • UK
  • Trawled

We’re the UK’s No.1 specialist online fishmonger. We professionally freeze fish when it’s at it’s freshest to pause the clock on quality.