“Fantastic Online Retailer To Buy Frozen Seafood From” 

Wild Atlantic Cod Loin Steaks

£15.57 Society Members (-10%)

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  • Each pack contains two skin on loin cuts
  • This cut is great for baked cod
  • A 320g pack would serve two main meals

Our cod loin steaks are the prime cut from large fillets of cod. The loin is the thickest part of the fillet,...

  • Each pack contains two skin on loin cuts
  • This cut is great for baked cod
  • A 320g pack would serve two main meals

Our cod loin steaks are the prime cut from large fillets of cod. The loin is the thickest part of the fillet, and this is where the loin cut comes from. It's star quality is thickness, giving huge muscle flakes that you won't find in any old supermarket cod. Because of the thickness, you can bake it in the oven without drying it out. As this is hand cut, you can rest assured that we've taken the time to make sure all steaks are cut and trimmed to perfection. 


How you've been using our cod loin steaks...

  • "I had friends to dinner and I decided to do a cod dish with a French sauce...The flesh was very chunky and went well with a butter sauce"
  • "Beautiful thick steaks. Love that they've got the skin on - cook much better in the frying pan"
  • "Lovely meaty cod loins. Delicious baked in the oven and served with samphire, lemon beurre blanc, and chorizo and new potatoes!"


Sustainability - our rating 9/10

Almost always this cod is line-caught from Iceland, an MSC certified sustainable fishery. Iceland has made fantastic progress in the management of their fisheries since near collapse in the 1970s. Iceland has gone through multiple successful sustainability recertification processes.

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Wild Atlantic Cod Loin Steaks -
£15.57 Society Members (-10%)

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  • Up To 20% Off Selected Bestsellers
  • Free By Noon Delivery
  • Extra Loyalty Points
Fresher Than Fresh Money Back Guarantee
  • Wild
  • Raw
  • UK • Norway • Iceland • Scotland
  • Line caught / Trawls

We’re the UK’s No.1 specialist online fishmonger. We professionally freeze fish when it’s at it’s freshest to pause the clock on quality.